
E-book: 10 alimenti da riscoprire

E-book: 10 alimenti da riscoprire

E-book, a short interactive guide with information, insights and curiosity about ten products that should never miss in the pantry. Client: territori.CoopName of employer: HICADV Job: interactive e-book, animation and interactions (created with Pubcoder)Online: “10 alimenti da riscoprire” ebook interattivo

E-book: E se fosse...

E-book: E se fosse…

E-book for children from 2 to 5 years.Finalist in the Book of the Future competition. In the book “E se fosse…” (if it was…) every page is magical. The world is upside down. Animals change their identity and everything is out of place (fuori posto). Children’s imaginations will be set free and they will be …

E-book: E se fosse… Leggi altro »